@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006472, author = {柴田, 玲子 and 出木浦, 孝 and 西村, 京子 and 渡辺, 磨奈 and 徳山, 眞矢 and 日野, 朝代}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, In this article, we will consider the way of expression in songs for children. Today, it is usual to introduce singing while playing a keyboard instrument in the musical curriculum and it is frequently included as a part of employment examinations. It is important for students to have a large repertoire of songs. But there are many students who express nothing in music but only press the keys of the instrument since they feel obliged to master as many songs as possible. So, we will consider the songs not in technical terms but in expressive terms.}, pages = {1--32}, title = {子どもの歌における表現のあり方に関する考察}, volume = {68}, year = {2017} }