@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006430, author = {溝渕, 利博}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The term “local” is one that was created in conjunction with the formation of the modern nation-state. “local” and “education” becomes “local education”, there was a reason and the era background. In this paper, how it have been carried out “local education” in Kagawa Prefecture? As introduction of research, early modern period topography compilation in the prehistory and modern peiod regional learning and hometown learning in the post history, as well as historical lineage manner overview while associated with the “education with an emphasis on regional characteristics”, I want to be clear about such historical significance and future research agenda of “local education”.}, pages = {117--232}, title = {香川県郷土教育史研究序説(一)}, volume = {64・65}, year = {2016} }