@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006405, author = {溝渕, 利博}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, How was people's death considered? How was people's death dealt with?If they are analyzed, understanding the social structure and the political state. Especially the statesman's death was a very political occurrence which brings confusion to rule order, the political intention can be read in such attendance-at-a-funeral courtesy. In such a case, It can be said to be "politics of death". "Politics of death" was also "actual politics" in that meaning. In this paper, clarification is given to the political culture historical role and meaning which were achieved to maintenance strengthening of Shogunate-and-domain-system social order about these statutes in the Sanuki Takamatsu han.}, pages = {1--68}, title = {讃岐高松藩における「死の政治学」と幕藩制的社会秩序の維持強化(上)-服忌令等葬送儀礼関連法令の政治文化史的役割を問うなかで-}, volume = {60・61}, year = {2014} }