@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006397, author = {柴田, 玲子}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, This paper reports on an Early Child Care Education: Basic Seminar II open class held in 2011. This series of lectures was originally developed by the Department of Early Childhood Education at Takamatsu Junior College and is taken over by all the staff. The Basic Seminar I, held in the first term, focused mainly on each staff member’s field of specialization. The Basic Seminar II, however, was founded on the underlying concept of early childhood education based on each teacher’s field of research, and was taught in several seminar groups with only a small number of students in each. The final class in this series of open classes was held as a lecture open to all college students, with the aim of heightening their awareness of young children’s expressions and emotions.}, pages = {211--228}, title = {研究授業「保育職基礎演習」の実施}, volume = {58・59}, year = {2013} }