@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006395, author = {田中, 崇教 and 柴田, 玲子 and 井上, 範子 and 池内, 裕二 and 出木浦, 孝 and 小西, 博子 and 中村, 多見 and 山本, 幾代 and 山田, 純子 and 田中, 弓子}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, The purposes of this paper is to explain methods used to improve “the objectives and characteristics of the curriculum” at Takamatsu Junior College(1st ed., 2002). In order to adapt to the changing social needs, the college has reviewed essential parts of the guidelines systematically and intentionally over three years from 2009. The result of the project is the reconstruction of educational objectives and the teacher training curriculum, along with the establishment of the instructor competencies.}, pages = {183--197}, title = {「カリキュラムの考え方と特色」改訂をテーマとした保育学科ファカルティ・ディベロップメント活動の実施報告-保育者養成カリキュラムの構造化と教育責任の明確化に向けた新たな試み-}, volume = {58・59}, year = {2013} }