@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006372, author = {井上, 英晴}, journal = {研究紀要, Research bulletin}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Shigeo Okamura built the so-called “Okamura theory” by drawing on, among other things, the academic achievements and methodology of Tetsuro Watsuji. The idea of the dual structure of human existence as proposed by Tetsuro Watsuji led Okamura to discover the dual structure of social relationships. The core of the Okamura theory rests in the fact that he introduced the idea of helping as it relates to the independent aspect of social relationships and clarified the unique characteristics of the social welfare field. This report discussed how Shigeo Okamura received the works and ideas of Tetsuro Watsuji, whether critically or otherwise, by focusing on this dual structure.}, pages = {39--80}, title = {岡村重夫による和辻哲郎の受容と批判}, volume = {56・57}, year = {2012} }