@article{oai:takamatsu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006310, author = {鈴江, 一恵}, journal = {高松大学紀要, Research bulletin of Takamatsu University}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, Recently, as reasonable individual financial activities have come to be in demand, Personal Finance Education has been gaining popularity. However, Personal Finance Education at university level still has only a short history and there is not yet ample research on it. In this paper, the author surveys the current state of the Personal Finance Education at university level and considers the various issues. The effectiveness of the Case Method as a solution for some of these issues is then discussed.}, pages = {31--67}, title = {大学におけるパーソナル・ファイナンス教育に関する一考察 -ケースメソッドの有効性の検討-}, volume = {50}, year = {2008} }